I’m SO honored and excited that you’re called to find out more about The Queen of Alchemy!
This is a 21-day virtual immersion program, beginning March 1. 

I’ve curated all my most important teachings and lived experience in completely transforming from a burnt-out, frazzled, near-bankrupt (twice), too-busy-for-love-or-friendships, overachieving entrepreneur to an empowered Queen of Alchemy. 

This means calibrating to, and embodying, the powerful divine goddess within, and using that power to transform any seemingly negative event or circumstance into a life, business and relationships that positively drip with the juice of life. 
Without endlessly excavating and ‘healing’ painful experiences from this life or past lives...
Without ‘working on your weaknesses’ or following someone else’s magical template...
...and WITH the unshakeable confidence and heart-bursting LOVE for the perfect divine goddess you already are.

If you’ve already DONE personal development work and read all the books, but you still have relationships that hurt more than heal, or are non-existent, or a bank account that makes you cringe to look at... we’re going to dive deep into the alchemy of the feminine that makes all things possible! 
If you’re ready to shift in ways you’ve only dreamed possible, I'm going to ignite your feminine power so you can finally and ecstatically birth into manifested form; the luscious love affair, the overflowing bank account, the life-giving friendships, and the exciting adventures you know are your destiny!! 
I’m going to provide the teaching, coaching and frequency calibration you require to unleash your inner Queen of Alchemy and discover yourself living through your internally sourced power, transforming every piece of life material that comes your way into the exact expression that delights your soul!!!
My clients are experiencing more crystal clarity, confidence, and expansive abundance because they now know how to alchemize every experience and occurrence for their highest good. 

Instead of scraping the bottom of their bank accounts, staying stuck spiraling in all the seeming obstacles and set-backs that inevitably show up, or settling for toxic relationships…

They’re powerfully claiming their desires, communicating with love and benevolent authority, serving in alignment with their souls, feeling loved and cherished in their relationships, and fully supported by their businesses. 
Upgrading to a higher frequency across all areas of your life can be expected. (Finances, love, intimacy, health, magnetism, and more)
All by releasing the old paradigm of structure, planning, knowing, forcing, controlling, winning and competing (the wounded masculine energy our world was built upon)...
And by DEEPLY surrendering to your feminine power. 
The Queen of Alchemy is an initiation to your spiritual woman-hood, which is the greatest contribution you can make to yourself, and the world. You will gain completely new perspectives on what it ACTUALLY takes to create new results as the Queen of your reality, where fear and scarcity and lack are only a thing of the past. 
You’ll also walk away knowing…
 » The Queen’s pathway to creating business growth without experiencing crisis and suffering. You’ll shift from ego-based power into an infinite source of Alchemical power… from fear and stress into love and receiving.

» How to navigate the divine dance between your inner masculine and feminine to call in or amplify your luscious love affair that powers your creations.

» How to finely tune your Divine Oracle for precise and perfect guidance in any situation, especially when the right moves don’t make logical ‘sense’.

» The secrets to Crystal Clear Communication fit for a Queen, infused with benevolent authority, that bring your every wish directly to you.

» Got some big goals that feel lifetimes away? I’ll give you my exact formulas to collapse time and space so that you experience multiple lifetimes of magnificent abundance in one.

» Where to unearth hidden divine feminine activations hidden in your lust, passion, and pleasure that create direct paths to wealth and abundance

» What it takes to master the law of opposites, and sexual polarity, to add excitement and vitality to all your relationships, with both men and women, inside and outside your business.

» BONUS: I’ll show you exactly how to recognize and alchemize EVERY situation, occurrence and event in your life and biz as the precise building block or material you need for your dream creation. Once you GET this, you’ll rush headfirst into every seeming challenge because you’ll know precisely how to use it FOR you. 
All of the above in and of itself can EASILY bring you a radical transformation into a life and business of more joy, fulfillment, love and abundance – when you use the teachings and codes I’m giving you. 
But what I’m MOST excited about is the part of our training where I lay out EXACTLY what it takes to EMBODY the energy of a Queen of Alchemy who is manifesting wealth and soul-aligned relationships with EASE.
You may feel like you’re “not there right now,” and that’s perfectly fine! 
But once you know the codes and activations -- the energy IN YOU is what magnetizes money / love / opportunities – and you’ll know exactly what it takes to get there.
The embodiment of a new calibrated FREQUENCY to this way of being is the real “secret sauce” behind my clients’ success. 
Many have told me that although my programs are delivered through words and activities, the true magic comes from calibrating to my energy field. You’ll receive the downloads and transmissions from my field to yours, and come to embody the elevated frequency yourself. 
Imagine forever releasing crippling fear, financial struggles, lackluster or painful relationships, and like a victim to circumstance… and instead feeling empowered, vibrant in your mind, body, heart and soul, fulfilled with your contribution to the world, and open to give and receive love freely.
Once you learn this, you can apply this level of transformation to any area of your life. 
That’s what we’re up to in The Queen of Alchemy.
Where and When? 
The Queen of Alchemy is a 21-day virtual immersion program. This means you can attend from anywhere around the world.

We open the Facebook Group to everyone on March 1 with the first Live call. 
You’ll receive 10 Live teachings inside of the Facebook group, plus a bonus Live Q&A call before we conclude the program. 

Here’s a snapshot of what you’ll be upgrading into:
Q — Queen by Design 
U — Unearth The Feminine Mystery 
E — Edges, Polarities, and Truths 
E — Embrace the Shadows 
N — Noble Call of The Goddess 

O — Opulent Relationships
F — Fortune of Pleasure  
A — Articulate Like a Queen 
L — Lust of Certainty 
C — Collapse Space and Time 
H — Harmonize with Feminine Leadership 
E — Elevated Oracle 
M — Mystical Creatrix 
Y — Your Queen Has Awoken 
All of the calls will be recorded and you’ll have access to the replays as many times as you like over our time together! 
You'll have 24/7 access to me and your soul tribe through the private Facebook group for more support and guidance. This is a powerful, tight-knit group of beautiful souls who embody the passion to raise each other up like true Queens… 
Bottom line is, we’ll show up for YOU when you show up for yourself. We’re here for you to rock it out! 
What if I’ve been deep into personal development for ages but still struggle with the things you mention, how will this program be any different? 

I feel you! Much of what I’m teaching did not come with ‘typical’ personal development and mindset work. The true sensual power of the divine feminine has been hidden for centuries.

The depth we are going in this specific area allows for clearing and alchemization at a level not typically experienced with most personal development work.

Plus, we are harnessing something called the compound effect, where we do deep immersion for a moderate amount of time. 

We are consistently applying positive pressure to create change, where most programs stretch the programs out so long that we revert in-between sessions or frankly, lose interest. 

Do I get support and coaching through the program?
Yes! I will be providing support and coaching on every live group call as well as in the Facebook Community. You’ll have unlimited opportunity to ask for and receive support on anything you need over our time together!
How long do I get access to the program?
You will have 24/7 access to all program materials and the Facebook Community for the duration of the program plus a week or two longer to give you plenty of time to extract everything you need from this immersive experience. 
If you are in my year-long Expansion container, you get access as long as you are a member. 
What if I can’t make the live calls?
Live interaction is always the most energetically charged experience and rapid transformation, but replays also contain all the frequencies for transformation as well. And, all of the calls will be recorded for you to listen to the playback! 
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